Iomed Trans QE Iontophoresis Electrodes - 12/box
Iomed® TransQE® Iontophoresis Electrodes, Small - 12/box.
First in Iontophoresis!
Features:- Silver-Silver Chloride conducts more efficiently than carbon and stabilizes pH without using chemical buffers
- GelSponge® ensures complete conductive contact between the electrode and the skin surface
- EZ Fill Window™ protects adhesive during hydration and handling and no-stick handling
- Maximum Current - 4.0mA
- Recommended Dosage - 40mA-minutes
- Maximum Dosage - 80mA-minutes
- Latex Free
Kit Includes: (12 kits per box)
- 1 TransQE Drug Delivery Electrode
- 1 Dispersive Pad
- 1 Alcohol Prep